Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Today’s topic: Helping beat this HORRIBLE heat!

 Regarding this heat, we all know we have been saddled with these normally August temperatures since early June.  What is the best way to help out our container plants?

 If you are discussing indoor plants, people tend to water more in the summer and less in the winter because they mimic their outdoor watering.  However, you should be watering slightly less in the summer because your air is cooled and more in the winter when the heat is on and drying out your soil.

 Outside, you can add mulch to the top of your potted plants, which will help keep the moisture in, versus evaporating.  Second, you need to water thoroughly and depending on where the plant is located, you may be able to water less if a longer watering period is afforded.  A quick sprinkle will not get down to the roots and provide the water that the plant needs.

 Water outdoors in the early morning or late afternoon hours.  Watering during the day will not be very beneficial, because of the evaporation and run off due to the dry soil.  Additionally, watering at night can cause the foliage to be more susceptible to fungal diseases.

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