Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Today’s topic: poisonous plants. Some plants while appearing friendly are really not. 

Some of the more common interior plants that are poisonous are Mistletoe, Diffenbachia, Ficus, Cyclamen, Peace Lily or Spath and Pothos as well as English Ivy. Care should be taken if you have animals or young children nibbling on these. These plants traditionally will not be fatal, but can irritate the mouth, skin and stomach lining. The Pencil Plant is a more harmful plant that can cause skin irritations wherever the milky sap touches it and can cause serious stomach and mouth issues if ingested. 

Two other highly poisonous plants that are not as widely known about are the ZZ plant as well as the Sago Palm. While all parts of the ZZ plant should be avoided from ingestion, only the seeds of the Sago are poisonous. These plants carry a dangerous level on the poison scale and they should be carefully monitored if around pets or children. 

If you have a plant concern or question, please e-mail me at robin@drdelphinium.com. 

Thanks for reading,

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