Tuesday, July 12, 2011


This week’s topic: DO NOT be afraid of orchids!

Some people are terrified of these absolutely exquisite flowers that have a lasting power of anywhere between 6-8 weeks. We have had some clients who have reported back to us that their orchids have maintained blooms for almost 3-4 months. I think that 4 months is a bit much to ask of an orchid, but I do think that for the money, an orchid is by far the best bang for your buck.

Helpful tip #1: Please don’t over water your orchid. Watering once every 10 days or so depending upon the variety is sufficient. Take your orchid still in it’s grow pot and submerge the pot into room temperature water for at least 2 minutes. Allow the plant to drain thoroughly before replacing in its decorative pot. I know a lot of you out there are saying at this point to put an ice cube on top of the moss. This might work in your particular situation and I know several very good friends who tell me that I am wrong, but newer research does indicate that the cold temperature of the water from the cubes can harm the roots by sending them into shock. So there you go, you have been forewarned.

Helpful tip #2: Do not repot your orchid when you get it home and it is in bloom. This will most certainly kill it. You only repot an orchid every 2 years or so and NEVER when it is in bloom. Repot after the blooming cycle is finished. Another no-no, please do not put your orchid into traditional potting soil. Just as bad as repotting, soil suffocates your orchids’ roots and will kill it as well.

Helpful tip #3: Keep your humidity up. These plants while used to growing in the forests do very well if there is at least a bit of water in the air. You don’t need to get some fancy humidifier; you can simply put a plate of water directly under the plant making sure that you don’t have any roots touching the water.

While I am sure that we are not going to have world wide orchid grower dominance, perhaps we will have given you the courage to step out of your comfort zone and try an orchid or two.

Thanks for reading,

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