It's been way too long because of technical issues...really. We apologize for our absence.
I hear the expression, “I have no green thumb” all the time. This gave me cause to look up the derivation
of the phrase. It seems in older times,
it was not just the thumb but the fingers as well that were “green”. Some sources say that the green fingers
relate to the algae that stained the fingers after rubbing off clay pots. The use of the word “thumb” goes back to the
millers. Millers, who ground crops such
as corn for farmers, would rub the corn between their thumb and palm and if it
was good, the miller was said to have a “golden thumb”. It would appear that the golden thumb morphed
into green thumb with reference to gardeners that produced good plants. Whether this is accurate or not it is
plausible, so I am a believer.
You don’t have to have a green thumb just the desire and time to put
into plants. As I have said before,
plants are like people. Some need a lot
of care and some not so much; some are prickly while others are smooth. They all have different requirements and
offer an array of colors and textures.
They are all unique and special, just like people.
My advice until next time: Please
buy a plant; it will be good for you.
Thanks for reading,