So often here at Dr Delphinium we are asked what each rose color means and to be honest I couldn't tell you the meaning of every color until now! I've put together this guide to help you (and me) out! Let's get started
Red - The undeniable, undisputable color of love. If you've been bitten by the love bug, shot with cupid's arrow, or just really want to let her know how much you care you can not go wrong with the Lovers rose.
White - Nothing says purity and innocence like the white rose. Therefore, it is customarily associated with marriages or new beginnings. The white rose also conveys a sense of reverence and is often used as an expression of remembrance.
Yellow - With its warm and sunny appearance, the yellow rose most often associated with friendship. A true friend brings happiness and joy to our lives, what better way to evoke those feelings with this truly luminous rose.
Pink - When I think girly I think pink. Pink roses are known to express a sense of elegance, refinement and an overall joyfulness. Whether they're a soft and graceful pink or a sassy hot pink number, pink roses are sure to impress!
Orange - Desire and passion can all be summed up with this fiery rose! It's bold color stirs of feelings of excitement and enthusiasm. What better way to spice things up?
Purple - Such a rare and magical rose, how could one not be enchanted by these purple beauties? No wonder they're often coupled with love at first sight.
And that is the end of our guide. I hope that this has helped you ( I know that it has helped me!) Shed some light on all these crazy rose color meanings. Happy rose giving! ^MM